Abic 500gm

Rs.240.94 Inc. GST

Product Name- Abic

Product Description: The technical name (content) is Mancozeb 75%WP. Abic M-45 is manufactured by Syngenta India Ltd. It helps to control brown and black rust, blight of wheat, leaf blight & downy mildew of maize, blast of paddy, and leaf spot of sorghum among other pests. It can also handle Tiprot Sigatoka leaf spot of banana and other fungal diseases of banana, guava, and other field crops.

Abic M-45 is compatible with all the commonly available pesticides. However, it is not compatible with lime sulfur and Bordeaux mixture or alkaline solutions.

Agrowala is one of the largest and leading online marketplaces for all your agricultural needs. It is a one-stop store for farmers and dealers to buy agricultural products ranging from seeds, fertilizers, insecticides, fungicides, and agriculture equipment.

Target Disease / Fungus- Rust, Blight, Downey mildew, Blast and Leaf spot

Dose / Acre- Foliar spray: 600 Gm / Acre, Seed Treatment: 3 Gm / Kg of seeds

Major Crops- Wheat, Maize, Paddy, Chilli, Potato, Tomato, Groundnut, Grapes, Banana, Apple & Cumin, Vegetables and other field crops

Benefits: Abic M-45 offers non-systematic, contact, and protective action.

690 in stock

SKU: 0122 Category:

Product Name- Abic

Product Description: The technical name (content) is Mancozeb 75%WP. Abic M-45 is manufactured by Syngenta India Ltd. It helps to control brown and black rust, blight of wheat, leaf blight & downy mildew of maize, blast of paddy, and leaf spot of sorghum among other pests. It can also handle Tiprot Sigatoka leaf spot of banana and other fungal diseases of banana, guava, and other field crops.

Abic M-45 is compatible with all the commonly available pesticides. However, it is not compatible with lime sulfur and Bordeaux mixture or alkaline solutions.

Agrowala is one of the largest and leading online marketplaces for all your agricultural needs. It is a one-stop store for farmers and dealers to buy agricultural products ranging from seeds, fertilizers, insecticides, fungicides, and agriculture equipment.

Target Disease / Fungus- Rust, Blight, Downey mildew, Blast and Leaf spot

Dose / Acre- Foliar spray: 600 Gm / Acre, Seed Treatment: 3 Gm / Kg of seeds

Major Crops- Wheat, Maize, Paddy, Chilli, Potato, Tomato, Groundnut, Grapes, Banana, Apple & Cumin, Vegetables and other field crops

Benefits: Abic M-45 offers non-systematic, contact, and protective action.

Weight 0.00 kg


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